Pittsburgh and Paris Join Transportation and Technology Firms in Mobility Pledge

downtown pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH, PA (February 2, 2018) The City of Pittsburgh is a signatory on an international pact among governments, transportation, technology and climate organizations adopting common principals on mobility that promote equity, efficiency and sustainable urban communities.

The “Shared Mobility Principals For Livable Cities”, to which each signatory committed, lay out 10 collective values that each signatory pledges to abide by:

  1. We plan our cities and their mobility together.
  2. We prioritize people over vehicles.
  3. We support the shared and efficient use of vehicles, lanes, curbs, and land.
  4. We engage with stakeholders.
  5. We promote equity.
  6. We lead the transition towards a zero-emission future and renewable energy.
  7. We support fair user fees across all modes.
  8. We aim for public benefits via open data.
  9. We work towards integration and seamless connectivity.
  10. We support that autonomous vehicles in dense urban areas should be operated only in shared fleets.

Technology and transportation firms signing onto the pledge included: BlaBlaCar, Citymapper, Didi, Keolis, LimeBike, Lyft, Mobike, Motivate, Ofo, Ola, Scoot Networks, Transit, Uber, Via and Zipcar.

It was also signed by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Pittsburgh is a member of both groups and Mayor Peduto is on the ICLEI USA board of directors, and Pittsburgh was among the first cities to sign on to the principles.

The Mayor praised the accord in an international conference call Thursday with Paris Deputy Mayor Jean-Louis Missika and leaders from the tech and transportation firms.

“Twenty-first century mobility is more than just getting from point A to point B. It’s about facing down social problems and providing opportunity for everyone,” Mayor Peduto said.

“We can’t make the mistakes of the past, when transportation decisions made life more difficult for people. We have to get ahead of the problems and create transportation solutions that provide an underlying foundation of sustainability and equity in the future.”

To advance these principles, last year the Mayor created the new Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) to focus on safe, accessible, sustainable and efficient transportation options for the city.

“Mobility is not an end in itself, it is a fundamental means to access and opportunity leading to social and economic mobility. How we deliver it can make or break communities, environmental quality and quality of place. These shared Principles commit us all to a higher path and shared support,” said DOMI Director Karina Ricks.


Timothy McNulty: Communications Director, Mayor, 412-660-1999, timothy.mcnulty@pittsburghpa.gov